Axiom Advocates are delighted to host a seminar dedicated to Construction Law on Thursday 28th September 2023. Coffee will be served from 4.15pm. The three talks will run from 4.30pm to 5.30pm followed by refreshments. The programme for the hybrid event, chaired by Garry Borland KC, will be as follows:

4:30pm: Graham Horn, Advocate – “When is an Adjudicator Bound by a Previous Adjudication?”

4.50pm: Murray Steel, Advocate – “Hold this for me until I ask for it.”

5:10pm: Jonathan Broome, Advocate  “A foot in the door and a twist in the tale: When and by what means is it possible to challenge the conclusive effect of a final certificate?”

Graham Horn, Advocate

“When is an Adjudicator Bound by a Previous Adjudication?”

The Court of Appeal has provided some welcome clarity as to when an adjudicator may be bound by a decision in a previous adjudication. Graham will consider the decision in Sudlows Limited v Global Switch Estates 1 Limited and the practical effects that the decision will have for those engaged in multiple adjudications.

Murray Steel, Advocate

“Hold this for me until I ask for it.”

As more and more PFI projects approach expiry, Murray will consider the issues which might arise as assets are handed back to contracting authorities.

Jonathan Broome, Advocate

“A foot in the door and a twist in the tale:

When and by what means is it possible to challenge the conclusive effect of a final certificate?”

That question was posed in D McLaughlin v East Ayrshire Council 2022 SLT 1245 by Lord Malcolm, who described it as ‘a matter of importance to the construction industry’. Jonathan will review how the question was answered by the Inner House in that case and in the subsequent case of Atalian Servest AMK v BW Electrical Contractors 2023 SLT 539. Jonathan was involved as junior counsel in both cases.

This event is open to practising solicitors, is free of charge, and is eligible for CPD.

Should you have any queries about this event then please contact or

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